In the 1960's, in the heart of Veneto, among the vineyards of Prosecco, in a charming ancient village, a small artisanal knitting workshop was born. In the following years, the laboratory develops and becomes a structured and modern company. In 1975 Lella Tonet entered the family business and designed her first collection. After years of commercial successes, in 2007 the company registered the TONET brand and three years later our first collection was created.
Winter Collection
This season Lella has created a collection that is both fashionable and elegant. Cashmere, pure or combined with wool and silk, is present in most garments. The hand is soft, the forms are large and delicate. The essence of Made in Italy blends in the colors that characterize this winter’s fashion colors of milk, sky, bark, saffron, rose powder, anthracite and cement.